We started raising dairy goats in March of 1990
when we purchased two grade Nubians from a friend of ours. They were
our learning tool for what was to come in the years ahead.
In a couple of years, two does turned into fifty
head of goats that cleared pastures, provided enjoyment, and
provided a source of meat for the local markets.
While driving through Indianapolis one afternoon,
we saw a sign advertising the Hoosier Classic Show, which was taking
place at that time. We took a detour and visited what was to be the
start of a whole new adventure in our family life.
Within a month or so, we had purchased a
trio of purebred registered Nubians from Bob and Judy Strahl of
Columbus, IN.
At this point, we started to move our herd to a
fully registered herd of Nubians and within a year, we were machine
milking, hand-raising kids, and attending dairy goat shows.
Over the years, we have continued to raise
Nubians, but along the way, we have added other breeds to our herd.
We raised Toggenburgs for four or five years. This was an interest
of my
middle daughter, Ericka. They were sold off due to the fact
that she would show Nubians and it would be me showing the Toggs.
Boer meat goats came later with 4-H and FFA for my oldest daughter
Kelcie. My youngest daughter,
Claire, caused the LaManchas to appear on our farm.
We hope you enjoy visiting our website and welcome
any questions you might have. Feel free to contact us if you see
something you are interested in or would like further information.
We are always happy to discuss our goats. Thanks so much for
stopping by.

Family photo from 2021 NAILE
Grandson, Brixten celebrating Indiana State Fair 2021

KECMR Nubians & LaManchas
Rob & Mary Ann Smith
Kelcie, Ericka and Claire
6312 West County Road 550 North
St. Paul, IN 47272
Cell: 812-593-1517

LaMancha Sr. Does
LaMancha Jr. Does
Nubian Sr. Does -
Nubian Jr. Does
Herdsires -
Kidding Schedule/Sales Policy -
Herd Triumphs -
For Sale -
Reference Animals -
Page last updated
Website content copyright 2014-23 KECMR Nubians and LaManchas
Website design copyright
Sunflower Web Design
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